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Photo Gallery - Kamindimbit Village by the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
UltraPure’s HPSC430 (a manual hand-pump ultra-filtration and carbon cartridge system) was tested to convert Sepik River water into clean, potable drinking water using filters and membrane during a recent visit by the Kalibobo Spirit.
Click here for media release.

August 2009
Pictures courtesy of Sir Peter Barter and Mr. Richard Brown of Ecolab, Australia. 
Sepik01 Sepik02 Sepik03
Sir Peter Barter showing UP-HPSC430 water filtration system to Kamindimbit villagers.  Villagers collecting clean water pumped out from the UP-HPSC430 Sir Peter Barter demonstrating the UP-DUC410 system
Sepik05 sepik06 Sepik07
Child drinking water filtered by UltraPure's HPSC430 Child enjoying clean and safe drinking water Child carrying a bottle of filtered water
